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money dinero vocabulario

Vocabulario sobre dinero

La palabra dinero o “money” tiene mucho vocabulario que podemos aprender. Y por supuesto que en el artículo de hoy del blog de English 4 Future te vamos a resolver todas las dudas de vocabulario sobre este tema. 



-To save: ahorrar

“I saved a lot of money last year.”


-Lend: prestar

“I can lend you some money if you need it”


-Borrow: pedir prestado

“Can I borrow you 5 euros? I promise to pay you back tomorrow”


-Waste: desperdiciar

“That exhibition wasted our money, what a shame!”


-Afford: poder permitirse

“Not many young people can afford to buy a house nowadays”


-Charge: cobrar

“They charged me more money that I needed to pay”


-Cost: costar

“Excuse me, how much does this sweater cost?”


-Owe: deber

“My company owes me this month’s salary”


-Invest: invertir

“It’s always good to invest money in different areas”


-Earn: ganar

“I don’t earn that much, so I don’t have to pay many taxes”


-Worth: valer la pena

“Don’t buy that car, it’s not worth it” 


-Raise: recaudar

“The charity could raise one hundred thousand pounds”


Nombres o sustantivos:


-Salary: salario

“My salary is 22,000 pounds per year”


Tax: impuesto.

“There is always some tax to pay”


Budget: presupuesto

“My budget doesn’t strech that far, so I had to think about it”


Mortgage: hipoteca

“His mortgage is very high so he is thinking about selling his home”


Insurance: seguro

“In June I have to pay my car insurance”




-Pay by (cash)

“You can pay by cash or credit card”


-Pay for (the dinner)

“Don’t worry, I will pay for our dinner”


-Spend on (books)

“She spent one hundred euros on books”


-Invest in /into (property)

“She always invested in property”


-Lend to (friends)

“I never lend money, not even to friends”


-Borrow from (the bank)

“I borrowed one thousand euros from the bank to pay for my university tuition”


-Get in (debt)

“Buying unnecessary things is how you get in debt”



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